Thursday, 17 September 2015

Persisting Down

Many of the English people I have met in the few short days we have been here have a love hate relationship with their weather app.  It's their goto button.  If there was such a thing, it would be number one on speed dial.  Hour by hour weather information is spelled out to users so their 'elation meter' can be adjusted accordingly.  It's all about the sun.  If the little sun symbol is anywhere on the daily forecast, people's smiles get a little bit brighter.

There was absolutely NO little sun symbol anywhere near the weather app today.  The hourly forecast only showed rain.  Lots of it.  But we headed to a seaside village anyway!

Weymouth is a lovely town on the south coast of England and where my sons got their gambling addiction.  Usually, in every town I've been to in England, there's a pub on every corner and five in between.  In Weymouth, that is definitely still the case, but right next to every single one of those pubs is a game arcade.  They're a bit like our Timezone, but with pokies.  

The boys spent all of their pocket money on pokie machines that spit out tickets.  You know the drill.  The more tickets you have the more options you have to choose a prize that would have cost you a quarter of what it cost you to win all the tickets from the machines, if you had just gone to a shop up the road and bought it.  

I could imagine the town on a stinking hot 20 degree English summers day.  Gear off, pubs over flowing, children frolicking on the beach, no room to move and selfies being taken all over the place.  Actually, that's pretty much how it looked today.  The boys and I are rugged up to the nines, Goughy has his beanie on for goodness sake and there are men and women walking around in shorts and t.shirts.  I'm assuming they were on holiday from Antarctica, because that would have been the only place colder than Weymouth!

It really was a gorgeous place and with lots of history.  We learned after a visit to Nothe Fort that many many Australians spent time in Weymouth during and after World War I.  The ANZACs were highly respected here so long ago.  There's even a war memorial in their honour.  After reading the stories about the part they played in the War here in Weymouth we felt very proud to be Australian.  


It was our last night in Salisbury.  We move to our next destination tomorrow.  A family meal at the Three Crowns Pub was called for and enjoyed by all.  We have been thoroughly looked after during our visit.  It was an absolute pleasure to have these people as part of our holiday.  We love every single one of them.  xxxx

Our UK Family xxxxxxxxxx

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